Default User Profile getting the default machine-based printer?
Hi folks - Little Printer issue in a domain environment involving many different default printer situations. Printers are installed on PCs with a post-image script, running as an admin; a script will run for each lab using the commands (using the /y only on the appropriate default printer for the lab): rundll32.exe printui.dll PrintUIEntry /y /ga /n \\server\printer The /ga switch installs the printer as a machine-based printer, and the /y will set a default. This works very well, except for when a new user logs on - The new use receives the default user profile. This default profile has the OneNote Writer (installed with Office) printer set as default, so this is the printer that is set when this user logs on for the first time. As we clean profiles from the workstation, this is a problem as those users who do not have roaming profiles will always receive this as the printer no matter which lab or which pc they visit. I have tried simply deleting the default printer from the default user profile (located at \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows!Device), but the same default printer appears. This is very confusing as there is no other reference that I can see to this onenote printer in the default user profile. Roaming profiles also have this problem for the very first time (as they also receive the default), but the machine based default printer takes precedence on subsequent logins since we have deleted the registry key. Any ideas on how to make sure the default profile receives the machine-based default?
March 23rd, 2011 12:36am

We have simply had to add a script set in the RUN key which will set the default printer on login. I was hoping there was a "neater" way of doing this, but this will suffice.
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July 17th, 2011 5:29pm

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