Delegates cannot approve via Outlook

We are using the FIM 2010 Outlook 2010 plugin allowing user to approve/reject via the Outlook plugin.   The following unfortunate behavior appears to be by design by Microsoft.  It would be helpful to have some input on this.

1. If more than one user is listed as an approver in FIM, and more than one response is received by FIM, anyone who sends a response after the first response will receive the following error message in an email from FIM:

Your response to the request for approval was received, but some errors occurred in processing it.
We were unable to approve or reject the request(s) to which you were responding.
Please contact your Forefront Identity Manager support personnel for assistance.

What would be nice if instead of an error message, FIM could reply with what actually happened:

This request has already been (approvred/rejected) by a previous response from (name of approver/rejecter from which FIM processed).  

2. If a person is listed as a delegate for the approver, and they try to approve for the delegate in Outlook, they will receive the following error message in an email from FIM:

Your response to the request for approval was received, but some errors occurred in processing it.
We were unable to approve or reject the request(s) to which you were responding.
Please contact your Forefront Identity Manager support personnel for assistance.

What would be nice if instead of an error message, FIM could reply with what actually happened:

FIM received a response from you for this request, but the response needs to come from %approver% and thus was not processed.

Even better if FIM could recognize the person sending the response was a delegate with send-as rights.  We are using Exchange, which is a Microsoft product.  Seems like the two products should be able to exchange this information.  But at the very least, allow the person who has send-as rights to send the approval response as the person they have send-as rights for!  The "From" field is not editable when responding to FIM requests in Outlook using the FIM plugin.

January 23rd, 2014 2:42pm

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