Destination Path Too Long having this problem on desk top computer
No. That will not happen as the 'error' has been put in place deliberatly to protect customers against issues that arise when paths are too long. Removing the message would be considered a regression in functionality.MCP/MCSA/MCTS/MCITP
March 3rd, 2012 10:34am

Destination Path Too Long when I try to move files from my desk top screen to my external hard drive or my internal hard drive I get this error message: Path Too Long: The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path. These are files that I have previously moved from my internal hard drive on to my desk top [screen] computer, this error seems to pop up on my desk top not my lap top, both running windows 7. These files do not have long names, and I can not "skip" these files these are files that I have created for business or fun. I am not a computer tech so if some one could instruct me what to do I would appreciate this.
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March 3rd, 2012 12:04pm

do you think in the future that Microsoft will create an automated update to function similar to windows XP version so that the error message: Destination Path Too Long in Windows 7 will be eliminated and all files can be transferred from one file destination to another destination with out any pop up errors? Best Regards Judith Mahon
March 3rd, 2012 12:51pm

Thank you ever so kindly for your help, how ever I must disagree with Microsoft stance: "regression in functionality" is an mistake that the designers of Windows 7 do not want to admit to and correct. Windows 7 is suppose to be top of the line [the best of the best], Windows 98 and Windows XP were great operating systems. The advancement in new technology is to increase the functionality with out eliminating the greatness in the previous versions of Windows operating Systems. Thank you again for your generous help and your wealth of knowledge. Best regards, Judith Mahon
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March 3rd, 2012 1:43pm

Just like the message says "or try a location that has a shorter path" this is probably you problem. Windows can only handle filenames that are 255 (Win XP) 260 (Vista, 7) characters. So lets say the filename is 100 characters, if the file path or destination is 170 characters, then you have a problem. So if you are copying from: C:\bible scriptures posted on facebook 2010\My documents 2010 and older\Facebook\archive may\document1 20100101 group discussion2.doc thats fine, its 134 characthers long But if this for example is the destination: D:\Copied from computer\backup of computer\folder this folder that tolder this and that folder this and that\bible scriptures posted on facebook 2010\My documents 2010 and older\Facebook\archive may\document1 20100101 group discussion2.doc Well thats 279 characters and it wont work.
March 3rd, 2012 4:36pm

Hi, the destination path is the full path you are copying to. In case of a library for example that would be (by default) c:\users\username\folder. The length of paths quickly adds up and may not exceed 255. Copying the file to a longer destination path would render the file inaccesible in standard ways. Consider to try copying the files to a shorter destination path (not to c:\folder\longfolder\subfolder\folder\ but to c:\x\for example). Please post back if that does not work either. The foldername in your screenshot alone already has 40 about characters. Consider using shorter descriptive names for your folders. For example 'Bible scripts FB2010' only contains 22 characters and contains more or less the same info) If you still use large folderstructures to 'easily' track down your files, consider spending less time arranging files and using search more often. If I for example would need some file, I tap the windows key and start typing some part of the filename or even it's contents or tags. Usually before I have typed afew characters, the startmenu shows exactly the document or picture I need. I' ve got about 4000 documents of all kinds stored in "my documents" only roughly spread over some folder like Letter, Script, Work, House\*year*, Pay\*year*...Index your folders, use a bit of tagging and let the computer do the work! Also, Windows does contain methods to access longer filepaths (see but these are not recommended for daily use as applications might fail handling files stored in such paths. MCP/MCSA/MCTS/MCITP
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March 3rd, 2012 4:53pm

Thank you, I understand now, is there a way to disable this feature, when using windows XP I never had this problem, files were moved from one place to another with out any errors. Judith Mahon
March 4th, 2012 12:38am

As far as I know, you cannot disble this error. Indeed, it was not there in Windows XP, resulting in all kinds of support secenarios were users made files inaccesible or unusable themselves by using very long paths. MCP/MCSA/MCTS/MCITP
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March 4th, 2012 6:52am

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