Device Stage for my device not working
Hi, I want to create Device Stage for my device. I have followed the document CreateDevMetadataPkg.docx and created a final cab file. I have copied that file to %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\windows\DeviceMetadataStore\en-US\. When i plug my device i could not able to see any modifications which were added by me. Just seeing default behavior of the device. First i have created following files .\PackageInfo.xml .\DeviceInformation\DeviceInfo.xml .\DeviceInformation\logo.ico .\WindowsInformation\WindowsInfo.xml .\DXP\behavior.xml .\DXP\background.png .\DXP\watermark.png Using cabarc.exe i have created a cab file with name GUID.devicemetadata-ms But still it is not working. What could be the problem. Can any one please suggest how to resolve my issue. Advanced thanking you.... Sreenivas
March 5th, 2009 3:41pm

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