Directories and files which can not be deleted
I have installed Windows 7 on a separate drive, just as was suggested by Microsoft.After reading the numerous reports on how good Windows 7 was, I gave it a try. But I was disappointed to see only an updated version of the dredged Windows Vista. Not only an update of Windows Vista, but a bad one as well with spelling errors, etc. A few days later, I wanted to start Windows 7 again to fulfill my part as a Windows 7 Beta tester, but the Boot Manager found and error and proposed to fix it. I did follow the suggested fix, but there was absolutely no way to Boot Windows 7. Booted from the CD and installed the whole thing again. Ran Windows 7 Beta for a few hours, and wentrebooted my PC. Only to find out that Windows 7 Beta had placed adirectory "Boot" on my C-drivewith versions of the files in "x" languages and there was absolutely no way to delete it. Tried everything, and gave up. I agree that Microsoft wants to restrict access to some files which can be important for the system. But Microsoft has no right to impose an user their will and totaly deny access to a file which shouldn't be there in the first place. If Microsoft allows Viruses and Malware to change infect or change files, the Microsoft should allow the buyer of Windows 7 to cleanup his computer without the need to format the harddisk and install everything again Disappointed user of Windows
February 7th, 2009 8:27am

As they said from the start we knew it was a BETA. I have installed it on 2 of my main computers and (knock on wood) have only had a few small things go wrong. My problem will be when my time is up the uninstall process as whatever Microsoft told me to do is what I did installing it and I have forgot what that was. There are several new things but I believe it is made for someone using everything on the program that is usable. That being said I truely "Love Windows7". Hope your using it gets much better.alot depends on the computer also as I read more from the blogs I see so many different types of computers. Have a better day.
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February 7th, 2009 5:40pm

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