Disable Action Center for the firewall but only for Domain Profile ?
Hello, we are actually using Windows 7 and have a group policy to enable the firewall when the computer is outside the company (so for private and public profiles). For the "domain profile", we dont want to enable the firewall and it works correctly. The problem is that the Action Center shows me a critical warning when I am connected to my domain as the firewall is disabled. My question is : How can I say (through GPO if possible) to the Action Center that my firewall can be disabled when I am connected with the domain profile ? Thank you
July 18th, 2012 11:49am

Disable messages in Action Center Regards Milos
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July 18th, 2012 4:09pm

Disable messages in Action Center Regards Milos
July 18th, 2012 4:09pm

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