Disable UAC for a given application?
I have installed anunsigned app on Vista, but i can definitively trust it.("Yellow background and red shield icon: The application is unsigned or signed but not yet trusted by the local computer.") If i try to run it from a non admin account, the uac demands each time the admin password to run it. It is very annoying!Can I somehow avoid this dialog? (Apart from that i disable the whole UAC on the computer) Can the "Application Compatibility Toolkit " maybe help me? (I don't know this tool at all.) Thank you!
November 21st, 2006 1:44pm

Hi, no idea? Or can't you repruduce it?Or couldn't understand exactly, what i mean? (Sorry for my bad english!) s7ivan
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November 23rd, 2006 12:31pm

If you have a application that requires administrative access it need to be convert to Vista Aware and thenthe application can talk toa com service which is running at admin level.
December 1st, 2006 12:15am

UAC is important tool that prevents many invisible attacks to your computer, it helps also to prevent worms/hackers to execute important commands that would harm your computer. Good luck
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 1st, 2006 2:26pm

Sorry, I posted last post with my other ID UAC is important tool that prevents many invisible attacks to your computer, it helps also to prevent worms/hackers to execute important commands that would harm your computer. Good luck
December 1st, 2006 2:32pm

If the application doesn't require admin right and the prompt is, you feel, in error then you can manifest the application so that it won't prompt. If the app does require rights to a location a standard user can't write too then you would need to redo the application as a service for the parts that need admin rights to avoid prompting. Or write it such that it doesn't write to a locatoin that requires admin rights.
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December 2nd, 2006 12:00am

Josh Phillips wrote:If the application doesn't require admin right and the prompt is, you feel, in error then you can manifest the application so that it won't prompt. If the app does require rights to a location a standard user can't write too then you would need to redo the application as a service for the parts that need admin rights to avoid prompting. Or write it such that it doesn't write to a locatoin that requires admin rights." then you can manifest the application so that it won't prompt"What does it mean? How can i do it?I don't think, the app requires admin rights. The UAC says only:"An unidentified programm wants access to your computerDon't run the programm unless you know where its from or you have used it beforexxx.exeunidentified PublisherType an admin passwd, than click OK"Anyway, i'm not the author of the app, i only want to use it without an admin password.
December 8th, 2006 3:10am

I think, here is a duplicate ofthis problem:http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=944771&SiteID=1
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December 8th, 2006 12:34pm

When ever you run a program as Administrator you will get a UAC unless you tell the TOTAL system to suppress uac prompts. THat post shows a user who wants to run an app as admin and he will get a UAC. PS the problem with Visual Studio and Vista has to do with SQL permission not the dev side.
December 8th, 2006 3:10pm

How can i "reset" the "UAC Status" of a Program? I get the "An unidentified program..." message everytime i try to start WinRar or Eclipse! Both Programs DON'T need admin rights. When i log in as another user i can simply start those apps without giving them admin privileges. I have also deleted my whole profile, but i'm still getting the UAC Messages. The Best of all is: When i rename the *.exe of the programs i can start them and it doesn't prompts me for administrative privileges! Where are the UAC Informations for a program stored if not in the user profile?Thanks in advance
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December 19th, 2006 2:05am

there is a manifest in the compiled source. that where runtime uac configuration is set. You as a user do not havethe ability to fix that. contact your software app vend and ask them when is a Specific Vista Version being released
December 22nd, 2006 2:17am

Use a resource editor to add this to the programs manifest: <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> Greetz EE
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December 28th, 2006 4:42pm

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