Does RAS use PPP in conection establishment?
Hi all,I'm new to the RAS, so please cooperate with me.I'm not geting proper information for RAS relating to PPP also.My question is whether RAS uses PPP for conection establishment. I know RAS uses PPP for authentication. I want to know whether RAS uses PPP conection or RAS creates its own RAS connection instead of PPP conection.What is difference between RAS conection and PPP conection? Like PPP is used at datalink layer for data transfer over serial connection and RAS is service for remote access. So, does RAS provide service over PPP conection or it provides its new RAS conection for its remote access service.?Please help and if you cud give some web links regardind this problem, then it'll be very helpful for me.Thanking you,Tarun.
May 5th, 2008 8:07am

Hi Tarun, Yes, RAS uses PPP for connection establishment. In fact, RAS is a service name, and PPP is a type of remote access protocol which is used in RAS. Here is some information related to RAS for your reference: Remote Access Server Hope it helps.
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May 7th, 2008 7:14am

Hello,Thank you ,Sir for replying.Previous post, i wanted to know basic of RAS and PPP. I got basic idea of them. I also studied much on net. But, now few more questions have arisen. Its sure RAS uses PPP. I read that RAS creates dial-up connections and uses PPP (as it is dial-in protocol). But now in terms of practical implementation, like RAS conections are created using "RasDial" API. So, i want to know how RAS implements PPP, where we specify RasDial() to use PPP for connection.What from TCP/IP layers triggers at data link layer to create PPP packets. How PPP packets are created and who creates them?What is flow diagram of connection from application to physical layer where PPP is practically coming.Please help me to clear this problem asap.Thanking you,Tarun.
May 12th, 2008 8:32am

Hi Tarun, Please understand that Microsoft provides different support services which have different service levels and support boundaries. Regarding these questions, it is necessary to review the source code for detailed information. However, it is out of our Forum support boundaries. Id like to recommend that you contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for assistance, the support professionals there are better qualified to assist you. To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site listed below:;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS Thank you for your understanding.
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May 13th, 2008 6:27am

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