Domain accounts in Windows 8.1
I have a tablet with Windows 8.1 pre-installed.  I have joined the domain where I work and added a domain user account.  I assigned Administrator privileges to the account (with the control panel on the local machine), but I can't access some files.  The file properties say that the local administrator group has full control, but my domain account is refused access.  How do I assign administrator privileges on the local machine for a domain user?  Or, how do I include a domain account in the local administrator group?
June 25th, 2014 11:16am


Did you mean to add the domain account under Computer management as below?

If so, the domain account should have the permission to access the files of which Admin has full control.

Would you please let me know what files your domain account fail to access? Please help to list some.

Also, I suggest you use the Process Monitor to capture the system event when you repro this issue.

Process Monitor v3.05

You can also try to use this article to troubleshoot this issue.

Solving Access Denied Errors Using Process Monitor

If there is any difficulties, please upload the saved pml file from this tool here for our research.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 26th, 2014 4:35am

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