Download 90 Days Trial Windows 7 - Server returns errorSSS
I've triedto download the 90 days Trial of Windows 7.When i started the MS Download Manager it returns after connecting "Connecting -> Pausing -> Error?" - what is the problem? Could it be caused by our Firewall?- but all out to p:80is allowed. Or has MS canceledthe download?
September 18th, 2009 2:41pm

Hi,Where do you download the trial Windows 7? Officially Microsoft only support Windows 7 Enterprise downloading, and Windows 7 Enterprise 90-Day Trial can be downloaded for a limited time from the Microsoft TechNet Evaluation Center beginning September 01, 2009 . If the download doesn't finished, you'll find an icon on your desktop that you can click on to restart the download. It'll pick up where it left off. Regarding your issue, I suggest you checking network connection status, you can temporarily turn off Windows Firewall and security software then perform downloading again to see if it works.For references:Download of 90 days trial of Windows 7 doesn't finishBest Regards.Dale Qiao
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September 22nd, 2009 1:01pm

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