Download problem
Anyone else have problems with the Win7 Beta download? Waited patiently for the download (3 restarts) only to discover the download was corrupt and have to download the whole thing again. Excepting I have hit my download limit for the month, oh well!
January 29th, 2009 5:53pm

I also am having issues with Download Manager on the MS Beta download site. I have downloaded Win7 several times and each time the DLM tells me the downloaded ISO is corrupt and would I like to download it again. Is anyone else seeing this issue lately? I have ununstalled the DLM from active controls. Have made sure there is no trace of the Win7 ISO and tried again. The first time I downloaded Win7 it succeeded and I installed it okay. I cleaned the partition and wanted to reinstall again but this time I kept getting File: boot\BCD Error code 0xc00000e9. Reading in here it was suggested that I get a new copy of the Beta. Been trying to do that the last 24 hours without success. At this point I think I will wait out getting the beta until somene can addrress these issues. Seems there are a lot of questions in the forums but very little answers to the issues. I will sww what happens with the next build.
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January 29th, 2009 8:16pm

bobk-uk said: Anyone else have problems with the Win7 Beta download? Waited patiently for the download (3 restarts) only to discover the download was corrupt and have to download the whole thing again. Excepting I have hit my download limit for the month, oh well!Millions of people successfully downloaded the Windows 7 beta over the past 20 days. While it's unfortunate that you've hit your download limit for the month, that's not an issue we can resolve here. As for increasing the likelihood of a successful download in February, be sure you're not overloading your home network with other downloads, or network activity. I suggest running the download overnight, while you, and the rest of the world, are asleep.The other possibility is that you might have got caught up in the gazillions of consumer desktops also trying to download the "Priority" .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 update that was misclassified.Good luck with your next attempt.Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP(x2), MCTS(x5), MCP(x7), MCBMSP Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2009)
February 3rd, 2009 8:58am

Hedonikos said: I also am having issues with Download Manager on the MS Beta download site. I have downloaded Win7 several times and each time the DLM tells me the downloaded ISO is corrupt and would I like to download it again. Is anyone else seeing this issue lately? I have ununstalled the DLM from active controls. Have made sure there is no trace of the Win7 ISO and tried again. The first time I downloaded Win7 it succeeded and I installed it okay. I cleaned the partition and wanted to reinstall again but this time I kept getting File: boot\BCD Error code 0xc00000e9. Reading in here it was suggested that I get a new copy of the Beta. Been trying to do that the last 24 hours without success. At this point I think I will wait out getting the beta until somene can addrress these issues. Seems there are a lot of questions in the forums but very little answers to the issues. I will sww what happens with the next build. If you successfully installed it once -- then it's highly unlikely there was anything wrong with your download. If you still have that copy/burn, try using it again. As for your boot error - how did you "clean the partition"? How many drives/partitions do you have, and what's installed on the other drives/partitions?As for the file download issues over the last few days of January, that could be related to general network congestion caused, as noted in the previous message, by the gazillions of consumer (Automatic Updates) desktops downloading the 250MByte ".NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1" package that was misclassified as a "priority" update, and released out-of-cycle on Thursday (Jan 29th) morning.Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP(x2), MCTS(x5), MCP(x7), MCBMSP Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2009)
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February 3rd, 2009 9:03am

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