Downloading anything off the internet while using Windows 7RC
I have Windows 7 RC loaded on my computer and Now I can't download anything from anywhere. I have to use a different computer and try to download things and then copy them to my Windows 7 computer. This is very timecomsuming. Now everytime I go to my msn mail messenger wants to load a new configruation. Then it has started to refuse to load the latest Adobe Flash player so I can play videos off the internet. Something is not working right and nobody seems to have the answer.
August 11th, 2009 9:52am

You could be infected with something nasty, have you run your anti programs?
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August 11th, 2009 10:39am

Re-installDrew - MS Partner / MS Beta Tester / Pres. Computer Issues
August 11th, 2009 2:49pm

Re-install what? It was a perfectly good operating system them all of a suddenly these things started happening. Does that mean I have to reload everything else also? That'sa lot of work for a couple of things that just started after a couple of monthes of good running and no problems.
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August 11th, 2009 5:42pm

Let me see I run 3 different anti-viruses daily along with Defender and have been doing so for a couple of months. these things just started with in the last two weeks. What could I be infected with? And what other 'anti' anything should I use?
August 11th, 2009 5:45pm

If you "run 3 different anti-viruses daily" that may indicate why you have a problem. You should only have one (1) antivirus program installed.Please see:Windows 7 security software providersCarey Frisch
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August 11th, 2009 5:59pm

Running your antivirus daily suggests to me you are a very unsafe surfer and, incidentally, you certainly dont need three AV programs, remove two of them. In all fairness, I have seen a recent problem with Adobe Flash, Google for it. If youre running IE8, try some of these:1. Reset Internet Explorer 8 settings, i.e. Internet Options > Advanced Tab and click 'Reset' at the bottom. Also in the Advanced Tab, scroll down to Enable third-party browser extensions and remove the tick > Apply > OK, etc.2. Make sure Internet Explorer is the default browser by going to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Internet Options > Programs Tab and click Make default if it isnt already.3. A temporary workaround is to try running IE8 as an administrator, i.e. right-click the IE icon and chose Run as administrator. 4. Run IE8 with no add-ons, click the Windows Orb (Start) > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer (No Add-ons). Now try visiting the website.5. Make sure the website is not blocked, go to IE > Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Settings.6. Check the Hosts file for blocking.7. If its present, try clicking the Compatibility icon between the Address Bar and the Refresh icon. However, if you are infected, I suggest you download, install and run MBAM and SAS:The free Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from The free version of SuperAntiSpyware from
August 11th, 2009 6:06pm

Command prompt. "SFC.exe /scannow" no quotations (Restores damaged and missing system files and fixed my internet with it once).
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August 11th, 2009 6:12pm

You could try to use a restore point from before two weeks ago, too. That would be an alternative to a complete reinstall (supposed you are creating restore points regularly). You should follow the AV advices in any case, however, to prevent future malfunctions.Mobile AMD64 3000+, VIA Apollo K8T800 chipset, 1 G RAM, ATIRadeonMobility 9700, 20x DVDRW, C:XPSP3 (55G),D:WIN7 (25G),F:DATA (250G)
August 11th, 2009 6:17pm

Yeah, well sense the early 80's when I had my first virus on a computer I have found that not all anti-virus software get it every time. Something always slips thru, so it is always best to have a back up just incase. And ever sense there have been commercial anti-virus programs I have been using three of them and have never had a problem with them working just fine. I currently have a working computer with every Windows OS 3.x, 95, 95sp2, 98, 98se, Me, XP and even DOS (ok I lied I dont have Vista). And now I have Windows 7 RC. I also have other OSs and I still have the first computer I purchased in 1982. So do you see a pattern here? Of course you couldnt have known this till I told you. So here we are at a stand still as to what is the real problem!Thanks for the help!Bob
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August 11th, 2009 6:17pm

Allow me to recommend an "inplace upgrade". By simply inserting your windows 7 installation DVD, starting setup and then selecting upgrade to restore your system to it's original luster.
August 11th, 2009 6:22pm

Hi, Based on my knowledge, AVG anti-virus may cause the issue. Do you have it? If so, please remove the software temporarily to test the issue. If the issue still persists, could you please help me check following points? 1. Does the issue occur if you disable UAC? 2. Does the issue occur in Safe Mode with networking? Please let me know the result. Thanks
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August 12th, 2009 11:29am

AVGgot good reviews.Does it cause this to happen on IE8for vista or xp?
August 12th, 2009 11:38am

AVGgot good reviews.Does it cause this to happen on IE8for vista or xp? I don't know. AVG may causes downloaded files disappear issue in beta if I remember correctly. Thanks.
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August 12th, 2009 12:23pm

There's always Firefox.
August 12th, 2009 12:26pm

Let me see I run 3 different anti-viruses daily along with Defender and have been doing so for a couple of months. these things just started with in the last two weeks. What could I be infected with? And what other 'anti' anything should I use? You are running 3 (three) Anti-Virus programs ?What else do you do with your computer :-)) Regards Picsoe
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August 12th, 2009 12:40pm

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August 12th, 2009 7:44pm

"but for some reason I cant uninstall IE8 altogether":You can disable it from add andremove windows features."So far nothing has changed"Anti virus software are well known to have side affects and who would know what effects there would be with three programs that have three firewalls. Upon installing anit-virus the welcome page usually recomends that you remove the otherAV that it detects. There is a need for AV however the public is in alarm and worried about the threat of viruses and often thinking they may have contracted one when the in fact not. Most viruses come from the ____ and torrents and from crack sites and activation exploits or from ____ sites. Other viruses are easily removed adware packadged with freeware however this practice is not as widely used as in the past. Some programs are listed as viruses and many who use them consider them to be real programs.In ashopping mall with a private securty company employed togaurd the areathank goodness there is only one becouseit would bechaos if three security companies were assigned to the same mall or hotel who would be responding simultaniously to alerts and convergingtoward activityat the same instant as well.It is recommended to use only one AV program at a time.The fact the you can't download with your system right now is not a bug or a known issue with windows 7. Also 99% of the time when a symptom occurs there is something somthing causing it such as, a program, a setting, a deleted file, amissingregistry entry. All of these can happenwhen an installed program or virus modifies aspects of the system or usershave modified or deleted files that seem to be of no use and then can not resrtart their computer."So I will say everything was fine till I got the last updates from MS for Win 7 and IE8."It would have helped us determine what was causing your issue if you told us about these updates from the very begining. I just got back from another thread where the OP wasdiscussing howafter installing the cumulative securityupdate for IE8 he had a blank screen. I suggest that you tryand remove the suspected updates.Asa last resort re-install.
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August 12th, 2009 11:43pm

As an update as to my situation: The other day I went to the store for some food, came home and my main computer, the one I have been having problems with said that it has "completed all updates" what ever that meant. My video is back as well as the sound and it's coming off my sound card that I couldn't find drivers for. The latest Adobe flash player was successfully loaded and MSN Live Messenger has stopped trying to be reconfigured everytime I go into or refresh MSN Live Mail. The only thing I still can't do is download anything to my computer, I still have to use another computer to download the copy it to the computer with Win 7RC on it. I know I saw it somewhere someone had an idea why but I can't find it now. If anyone wants a more indepth answer as to why I run my computer with 3 AV's and such I will be happy to explain it in an email @ Thanks, for all the help from everyone it's been fun. Mr Seven thanks, for all. One last thing the down loading thing was a problem with Win 7 Beta also, so if anybody can figure it out let me know PLEASE! Later, Bob
August 13th, 2009 11:51pm

Hello, I have the Free AVG but I'm not using it, I could never get it to load and work so I deleted it and didn't use it again. Thanks, Bob
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August 13th, 2009 11:53pm

Hello Mr. Seven, Yeah, sense I turned off IE8 I am now using just Firefox. Thanks, Bob
August 13th, 2009 11:55pm

Hello, It's a really long story but to make it short I do research mostly. Thanks, Bob
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August 13th, 2009 11:56pm

Hello, Actually not all AV software include a firewall. Some are active programs and some are passive. Active AV generally will have a firewall and are the kind that monitor your computer for intrusions. Passive AV don't do anything until you tell it to like perform a scan of you HD's or a certain file or program. There is also Hybrid AV's that will monitor only somethings like say maybe your email and only scans them when you down load them. Sense not all AV software work the same some work better at somethings than others. If you use only one it is bound to miss something and by the time you catch it it may be too late. By using at least two different ones you are less likely to miss anything. I have maybe 15 or 20 different AV programs that I can use some I already know will conflict with others. Like for instance you can not run McAffee or Norton on the same computer because they will think each is a virus and lock up you computer untill you remove one of them. So there you have it in a half of a nut shell because I'm a little squirlly so I ate the other half. Later, Bob
August 14th, 2009 12:15am

You know there's a setting in IE8 under tools\internet options\security\custom level\file downloal enable/disable.Also under the secuity tab there's a reset button.
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August 14th, 2009 12:21am

'Dart',Ok, I have experienced none of your issues but, here's my comment(s)USE ONLY 1 A-V!!!! (wish I could write that in red neon) I've looked @ & tried a few on Win7 & I strongly suggest Avast.I have no troubles w/ IE8 on Win7. However you can also use Firefox or SlimBrowser, instead.Drew - MS Partner / MS Beta Tester / Pres. Computer Issues
August 14th, 2009 9:34am

Hello Mr. Seven,Yeah, sense I turned off IE8 I am now using just Firefox.Thanks,Bob Myself I can't accept Firefox becouseREALLY prefer 8.Perrsonally I would reinstallbefore Ihadto use firefox.
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August 14th, 2009 9:44am

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