EOP Setup & Verify - Remote Connectivity Analyzer - MX record and outbound connector test failed

I'm trying to set up a test domain of mine with Exchange Online Protection standalone.  I am using EOP to protect my on-premise Exchange 2007 environment.  When I get to testing the configuration with the Remote Connectivity Analyzer, as instructed in the setup guides, it fails.

I'm running the test as outlined here:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn305950.aspx

When testing the MX and outbound connector, I get the following failure below.  Any thoughts?

 Testing MX record and outbound connector configuration for domain '<redacted>'.
  The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer failed to verify the proper configuration for the MX record or the outbound connector associated with domain '<redacted>'.
 Additional Details
  A missing or empty content type header was found when trying to read a message. The content type header is required.
December 7th, 2013 1:21am

I am also having the same problem
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December 19th, 2013 5:55pm

Apparently these forums are abandoned by MS Support...
December 26th, 2013 9:49pm

I'm trying to set up a test domain of mine with Exchange Online Protection standalone.  I am using EOP to protect my on-premise Exchange 2007 environment.  When I get to testing the configuration with the Remote Connectivity Analyzer, as instructed in the setup guides, it fails.

I'm running the test as outlined here:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn305950.aspx

When testing the MX and outbound connector, I get the following failure below.  Any thoughts?

 Testing MX record and outbound connector configuration for domain '<redacted>'.
  The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer failed to verify the proper configuration for the MX record or the outbound connector associated with domain '<redacted>'.
 Additional Details
  A missing or empty content type header was found when trying to read a message. The content type header is required.

We have the same problem, do you get the problem resovle?
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January 17th, 2014 2:35pm

I am also having the same problem

We have the same problem, do you get the problem resovle?
January 17th, 2014 2:35pm

After 2 weeks with MS Support, they finally came back and said they noticed that my licenses were actually for a different product, not for EOP Standalone.  That is most likely why the test was failing. I was asked to try the same test, but instead of selecting "Exchange Online Protection", to try one of the other two options: "Exchange Online" or "Exchange Online Premium Protection".

I tried both of the alternate options and my tests were successful.

It appears I simply had a misunderstanding.  While I was just setting up EOP to protect my on-premise Exchange, the level of licensing my company purchased along with our EA means I'm not actually licensed for EOP Standalone, hence that test fails.

Personally I find this very confusing.  Especially since I fail to see how the RCA test specifying "Exchange Online Protection" equates to EOP Standalone licensing only, but since those other tests passed, MS has closed my case.  I'm moving on.

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January 17th, 2014 4:30pm

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