Edge NAT External IP

Dear Sir,

I'm trying to understand what is the NAT IP & Internal Configuration Replication Port, that we need to set when i configure edge server in topology.

I have 2 enterprise LYNC (LYNC1 and LYNC2) and 1 Edge Server. I'm using Fortigate as UTM machine and install the edge in DMZ.

Internal to DMZ /  Open

DMZ to outside /  Open

Outside to DMZ

SIP:  Real IP / 443, 5061

WC: Real IP / 443, 3478

AV:  Real IP / 443, TCP & UDP 49152-65535

February 19th, 2015 6:55am

You missed Edge to Front Ends on tcp/5061. Web conf is 443 only. Av is tcp/443, udp/3478 and tcp+udp/50000-59999.

The replication port from front ends to edge will be tcp/4443, which you have covered in your inside to dmz allow all rule.

Check out this like for more detail: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg425891.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
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February 19th, 2015 7:32am

Dear Anthony,

Thank u for you reply.

You mean i need only to open port 4443 between Lync Edge & Lync Front End (DMZ & Internal and ViceVersa). And what about the meaning of

NAT: External Interface

in Lync Edge Configuration

thank u for help

February 20th, 2015 6:00am

No, I mean you in general TCP/4443 needs to be open to the edge as well as other ports mentioned in the article.  But if you have a rule already that says anything from the Internal network can reach the DMZ, you're already good here.

Could you clarify what you're asking with the NAT: External Interface question? Do you mean in the topology builder? If so, this refers to the public IP address that will be NAT'd to the private IP address assigned to your AV Edge interface.

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February 20th, 2015 10:40am


If you use public IP address or private IP address with NAT, you will still use the same number of IP addresses based on your configuration choice in Topology Builder. You can configure the Edge Server to use a single IP address with distinct ports per service, or use distinct IP addresses per service, but use the same port (by default, TCP 443).

Whats more, you must open the ports in the link Anthony provided above, so that the Lync external users can use Lync with no issue.

Best Regards,
Eason Huang

February 23rd, 2015 12:57am

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