Email login using isn't working.


I'm trying to make UAG 2010 SP3 authenticate users by their email address as in this article:

The problem is that the script causing HTTP 500 error no matter what.

After several attempts it became clear that this string is causing HTTP 500 error:

Set rs = oConn.Execute("LDAP://dc=my,dc=long,dc=domain,dc=fqdn;(&(objectClass=user)(mail=" & Session("user_name"&num) & "));sAMAccountName;subTree")

The UAG server is a child domain member of my.domain.long.fqdn named

I tried to set authentication server to use local forest authentication, specified domain controllers, etc but nothing seems to resolve the issue.

Could you please give a couple of advices here? What can be the cause for this? Also it would be great if you could give an advice on how to troubleshoot this kind of scripts, where can error messages be found or how the script can be edited to log errors to a text file or something?

  • Edited by Bazlov 22 hours 26 minutes ago private domain name revealed
October 7th, 2013 7:45am

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