Error: OX80070643
After following suggestions given to solve error code OX80070643, problem continues. Is MSE compatible with my system as I describe below? AMD 64, 3200 +XP Home Edition, Version 2002, Serv Pk. 3Also have following problems:Message continually appears showing that the application is not compatible with: Generic Host Process for Win 32 Services.1 person needs an answerI do too
December 31st, 2010 10:16am

Hi dadr043, With the error related to Microsoft Security Essentials, post your query in the below forum for better assistance: With the issue with Generic Host Process for Win 32 Services, provide the below information:Is the error message when working with Microsoft security essentials?Or is it with other application? Meanwhile try the below steps:a. Click Start, click Run, and then type net stop wuauserv.b. On the desktop, double-click My Computer, and then delete the drive:\WuTemp folder.c. Click Start, click Run, and then type net stop cryptsvc.d. Delete the drive:\Windows\System32\Catroot2 folder.e. Open the drive:\Windows folder, and then rename the SoftwareDistribution folder as SoftwareDistributionOLD.f. Open the drive:\Windows\system32 folder, and then follow these steps:ü Rename the Wuweb.dll file as Wuweb.dll.old.ü Rename the Wuapi.dll file as Wuapi.dll.old.ü Rename the Wuauclt.exe file as Wuauclt.exe.old.ü Rename the Wuaucpl.cpl file as Wuaucpl.cpl.old.ü Rename the Wuaueng1.dll file as Wuaueng1.dll.old.ü Rename the Wuaueng.dll file as Wuaueng.dll.old.ü Rename the Wuauserv.dll file as Wuauserv.dll.old.ü Rename the Wucltui.dll file as Wucltui.dll.old.ü Rename the Wups2.dll file as Wups2.dll.old.ü Rename the Wups.dll file as Wups.dll.old. Regards:Samhrutha G S - Microsoft Support.Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
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January 1st, 2011 2:25am

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