Error during Windows Activation

Original title: when i going to actives windows error come                                 

this app does not support the contract specified or is not installed

February 26th, 2015 10:32am

Please provide more details on this
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February 27th, 2015 1:03am

Hi Fahad

Some required information are needed for us to help you.

What did you mean about "active Winodws"?

based on your text, seems like it is a morden app error message.

If you get this message when using certain app, please provide more information to us.


D. Wu

February 27th, 2015 8:02am

If I interpret your post correctly, you are reporting that this error occurs when you attempt to activate Windows. Other users who have experienced this error have reported that running DISM \Online \Cleanup-Image \RestoreHealth to repair system corruption resolved their issue and allowed them to activate.

I have changed the title of this thread to reflect this scenario, if you are experiencing a different issue, please help clarify the problem you are encountering.

Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

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March 9th, 2015 10:41am

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