Error report closely followed by scam phone call.
Hi all,4 to 5 days ago, I allowed my systemto make an Error Report after a glitch which made Windows close down. I've not done this before and have hardly any such glitches.Today, I took a phone call from an Indian call centre telling me they were Microsoft responding to my Error Report. They had checked and found I had a Deadly Virus which they could fix if I agreed used their Advance System Protector. This would eliminate the problems I was having (I am NOT having any continuing problems) and would speed up my PC.I could hardly hear what was being said as the headset/phone line were terrible and I told them so.They said I could sign up to their protection system for 70 on-line and my cyber world would be safer and faster.I said if their software was as bad as their phone equipment, I was not interested.However, my REAL concern is that this was the only time I've allowed my Windows system to make an error report. It seems strange that my error report was followed so closely by this scam call.Did did this company get detail of the error report and of my phone number. Or was this simply a coincidence.Thanks for any input.4 people need an answerI do too
November 18th, 2009 4:39pm

"Richard - Hampshire" wrote in message news:E-mail odebrn z dvodu ochrany osobnch daj...HiJust had a call from an Indian called Dave Watson who said he could identify my computer from it's unique CLSID and so I strung him along to see what he said. He came up with my machine "identity" of*888DCA60*-FC0A-11CF-8F0F-00C04FD7D062 and told me where to find it. He obviously neglected to say it would be the same on other computers!!He gave me a number of 01865 600898 and said he was from "The Windows Service Provider" and that the CLSID had been sent to him by Microsoft Error Reporting, which it obviously wasn't - Then he went on to say I had to renew my "Windows Protection Service" for £55.00 and only hung up when I said I would not pay!! He also wanted to take remote control using logmein, which I obviously declined to allow.This is such a an odious scam that preys on people who have little knowledge of computers and presented with the caller giving you a code that he tells you is unique would certainly trick most home users and that makes it a con.In the end he wasted 20 minutes of his time and that prevented him from takng advantage of some vulnerable sole.It did amuse me to act like a numpty and string him along, must have too much time on my hands?RichardYou have given your location as Hampshire. Upon the assumption that you in the UK, then 01865 is the dialling code for Oxford.I don't know whether 01865 600898 is a genuine telephone number. However, the call was obviously a scam. Your local Police force should have a specialist 'cyber crimes' department, and might be interested in tracing "the Indian called Dave Watson". Consequently, you should report this incident to the Police, .
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September 17th, 2010 5:07pm

I had indian guy call me, called Dave Williams(Not very Mumbai me thinks) with basically same senario as the rest of you. He said he was calling from Dublin, Ireland( i'm in Donegal,Ireland), but when i requested his number he gave me a number based in Manchester, England. He claimed to be from a company called White Troops, acting on behalf of Microsoft. Tried ringing the number this evening for the craic but just got answer machine. Think i'll pass number on to Manchester police to check out.
January 8th, 2011 3:48pm

Yes I have had the same phone call, but strung the person along, he said do you have windows? my reply was yes I am looking through them at the moment, switch on your computer, yes (I hadn't of course but strung him along for over 15 minutes, then got fed up so said the line was so bad and could not hear him , asked him to ring back then let him call my answer machine, still waiting again and of course will string the poor sod along again, they will get fed up before I do.......believe mei just got the call today and i strung him along as well I of course had my computer on but shut my internet connection down. Wanting me to pay some ridiclious amount of money to allow the tech team to have access to my compuer for 7 years that they could get it in anytime they wanted too. I finially told them i would get ahold of microsoft themselves and find out if there was a problem. I did the search and i got here.
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January 11th, 2011 6:18pm

Yes I have had the same phone call, but strung the person along, he said do you have windows? my reply was yes I am looking through them at the moment, switch on your computer, yes (I hadn't of course but strung him along for over 15 minutes, then got fed up so said the line was so bad and could not hear him , asked him to ring back then let him call my answer machine, still waiting again and of course will string the poor sod along again, they will get fed up before I do.......believe mei just got the call today and i strung him along as well I of course had my computer on but shut my internet connection down. Wanting me to pay some ridiclious amount of money to allow the tech team to have access to my compuer for 7 years that they could get it in anytime they wanted too. I finially told them i would get ahold of microsoft themselves and find out if there was a problem. I did the search and i got here. Contact Mr. Gates and insist call centers and support be brought back to the US and your info will cease to slip into the hands of the cons.See also... don't vote for myself I'm not here for the points. If this post helps you, vote. Visit my forum @
January 11th, 2011 9:15pm

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