Error when running Fulll Sync


I am new to FIM2010 R2. We are going to implement FIM2010R2 Sync services and are testing. The Sync service suddenly stops when we are doing a full sync on a particular MA. Below is error details from Application log:

Faulting Application: miisserver.exe, version: 4.0.3613.0, timestamp:)x546133b4

Faulting module name: clr.dll, version: 4.0.30319.233, timestamp: 0x4d92ed2f

Fault offset: 0x0000000003b18a1

Faulting process id: 0xa88

Faulting application start time: 0x01d051546ce8e460


I am unable to attach a screen shot at this point as my account is not yet verified.

Can somebody point me in the right direction on why this is happening and what could we possibly do to fix this.

Also i have question on what are latest hot fixes we need to apply for FIM 2010 R2 Sync services.



February 26th, 2015 11:00pm

The latest hotfix is here it just came out this morning.

As far as which hotfixes to apply generally when building a new server you apply the latest SP and then the latest hotfix -- as they are rollups. For maintenance you should consider apply the hotfixes as they come out. You do want to apply them in a test environment to ensure that it doesn't break anything you are using.

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February 27th, 2015 3:16am


 Thanks a lot for the information. Also I find that there are number of file attributes listed. Should we apply all of them for Sync services or just the Fimsyncservice_x64_kb3022704.msp.

Thanks you,


March 2nd, 2015 6:24pm

Each one corresponds to different components. So you need to install the updates for whatever components you have installed.

So if all you have is the sync server then yes just install Fimsyncservice_x64_kb3022704.msp

On the server where you have the FIM Service and/or FIM Portal: Fimservice_x64_kb3022704.msp

If you have installed Language packs then: Fimservicelp_x64_kb3022704.msp needs to be run on the FIM Portal and FIM Service installs. FIMAddins refer to the FIM clients such as Outlook and SSPR and should be installed where you have the FIM clients installed

Anything with FIMCM refers to the cert management functionality. All of the BHOLD* refer to BHOLD components.

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March 2nd, 2015 11:18pm

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