Event Log Retention by Number of Days, No Longer Supported on Vista, 2008, or 7?
Is Event Log retention by number of days, no longer supported on Vista, 2008, or 7? I've pretty much already confirmed this by trial and error and the documentation seems to infer the same without going so far as to directly state as much. I am thrown off a bit by this option still being configurable in Powershell under the eventlog set module so I'm looking for confirmation. In 2000, XP, and 2003 you could configure event entry retention by number of days on a log which would then apply to the way crash on audit and auto log backup would work. The configuration setting for event log retention now (Vista, 2008, and 7) seems to be on or off, meaning the system will always crash when the event log is full or the system will always backup the log when it fills, regardless of the datetime of the eventlog entries and the retention days setting. For Example: On Windows 7 if I have Auto Backup Event Log set (registry or GPO), retain old events set (registry, GPO, or Powershell Module), and I have Retention set to 2 days (Registry or PowerShell Module) the system will still backup the event log when it becomes full regardless of the fact that some events in the log are over a month old. Can anyone confirm?
June 1st, 2012 9:36am

Hi, The Event Log support setting the Log size. It cannot be by number of days. Juke Chou TechNet Community Support
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June 4th, 2012 2:31am

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