External Access, Employee Portal, Replacment for UAG

Hello, I have been looking for a SSO Enterprise Employee Portal solution.  In the past I have used UAG, which seemed to work really good with windows devices, but android and IOS were lacking.  I would like to get a feel for what everyone else is doing today to fill this need?

I have looked at quite a few Hardware solutions and spoke with quite a few vendors, but they all seem to fall short with the SSO or they don't fully support our needs.  We looked at a few SSLVPN systems and that would get this done, until the user would want to click a link from their email, We also tried a few mobile VPN solutions.

Since 2012 r2 we have started to pinhole external/internal resources so they use the same Local and Public DNS with ReverseProxy IE: intranet.domain.com, email.domain.com, lyncstuff.domain.com.  Now when items are published to sharepoint they use the public url and this works in emails when they are outside, however the login requirement for each resource is where get the complaints.

What I am looking at doing is creating a SharePoint 2010 site: https://myportal.domain.com the user would Login before the page loads.  They would then get User based content/my page along with a Resource bar to the above type of links.  When the user clicks one of these links I would like it to Know who the user is and pass credentials at least for sites under the same domain.  Is anyone using a 3rd party SAML or password manager to provide this? Is there a Microsoft solution?    My other concern with that is also the same with certificate based auth, on mobile devices, BYOD.  A lot of our users Dont want a Pin/PW on their phone, or the concerns with Privacy/Safety of their data on their own device. Make them not comfortable with our MDM.  Not really my issue there.  I am not sure if ADFS would be applicable here or what should be used if that can provide SSO?

I gladly welcome any advice/documentation,  I havent really seen much out there that covers what I am looking for.

March 24th, 2015 11:13am

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