FIM 2010 R2 AD Sync is not pushing changes from FIM to AD

I have configured FIM 2010 R2 with two MAs (FIM and AD).  FIM MA has attribute flows using the MA, AD MA has attribute flows via the Synchronization Rules.

I have created Synch rules for both AD users import and AD users export.  The attributes are more or less the same.

Under the metaverse designer, I have configured equal precedence for attributes.

The initial load was fine, FIM was populated with my AD users.  Changes in AD are replicated to FIM.  However, when I make changes in FIM, the changes are rolled back or overwritten by the metaverse at the next sync.  Basically, I only ever get queued exports to FIM and never any to AD.

I've probably overlooked something very simple but cannot put my finger on it.  Any suggestions welcome.

There do not appear to be any relevant errors in either the FIM or application event logs.

July 24th, 2013 12:01am

You seem to have an export flow in your FIM MA (from Metaverse to FIM Service & Portal) (because it gets owerwritten), but do you have an import flow flow that picks yours updates FIM Service & Portal to Metaverse?

Can you give an example attribute?

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July 24th, 2013 4:09am

Hi Gaston, thankyou for your interest.  An example attribute is "jobtitle", you can see that it flows both ways and has equal precedence yet I never seem to get it to flow MV -> AD.



MV Designer:

MV and AD user object properties:

July 24th, 2013 5:48pm

Take the "preview" button for a spin... odds are the synchronization rule isn't applying due to the set/workflow/MPR triple.  There aren't a lot of other variables given that you've confirmed the right values are in the MV.
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July 24th, 2013 6:35pm

Hi Steve,

So I made a change in FIM Portal to job title, then ran Delta Import.  Upon preview of Delta Sync I see the following: "Not precedent"

July 24th, 2013 6:55pm

Have you tried to do Full Sycnhronization?
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July 25th, 2013 2:45am

Hi Gaston,

Same result, just about all attributes from FIM Portal -> AD are "Skipped: Not precedent".  There are a couple that are applied.

July 25th, 2013 5:46pm


As You have set Attribute  at equal precedence. So the metaverse will have value for the attribute from FIM or AD which ever MA's sync profile you will run at last. 

If you need these few attribute value updated into AD from FIM so you can set FIMMA precedence  higher thn ADMA.

"Skipped" issue comes if you have set the precedence lower for any attribute for that MA.


Giriraj Singh Bhamu

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July 26th, 2013 1:53pm

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