FIM 2010 R2 SAP Web Service for password reset

hello Everyone, 

i'm currently workin on implementing SAP password reset through the FIM 2010 R2 SP1 connector for web services,

has anyone had any experience with that ? 

truth is i don't even know what the users will be shown for them to reset their password !!

any help would be greatly appreciated


January 14th, 2014 7:53am

You have to implement Password Synchronization (from AD to SAP),  when a user change the password in AD FIM changes SAP Password with the same password as AD.

You can import AD Users to metaverse (Projection), Then you have to implement, at least, a Full Import and JOIN SAP Users with objects in Metaverse. After that you have to configure password synchronization with PCNS (more Information: )

Good Luck.

PS: "Officially" SAP Web Service Connector is only for SAP HCM (Human resources, schema object type employee), not for SAP Users, but in SAP HCM has no sense password management, password Management is for SAP Users.

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January 14th, 2014 10:06am

Thanks !

i having few problems creating my SAP WSconfig file though , 

i tried to use the default one but doe not seem to work and creating a custom one seems pretty complex,

any help or templates that can help out in creating this WSconfig file ?

cheers !


January 29th, 2014 11:05am

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