FIM 2010 R2 SSPR statistics

We have rolled out SSPR, using a combination of the full client and the Registration and Reset portals. I know how to determine the number of users who have registered for SSPR and how many have not. My question is this. How can we determine the number of actual password resets that occur using FIM SSPR instead of via the help desk? After all, that metric was one of the main levers in getting FIM installed: the cost reduction associated with less help desk calls for password reset.

I assume the Requests will need to be queried, but how would one construct the XPath filter?

Thanks in advance for the time and help!


October 15th, 2013 9:33pm

I have answered my own question. This seems to do the trick:

$AnonymousUser = "b0b36673-d43b-4cfa-a7a2-aff14fd90522" $AnonUsersCanResetPasswordMPR = "505e53d9-0f5e-4156-a722-a71621e02281" $filter = "/Request[" + "Creator='$AnonymousUser' and " + "ManagementPolicy = '$AnonUsersCanResetPasswordMPR' and " + "RequestStatus = 'Completed'" + "]" export-FIMConfig -Uri "http://localhost:5725/ResourceManagementService" -customconfig $filter -onlybaseresources

It won't handle multiple MPRs, but it works for us. Hope it helps someone else as well!

  • Marked as answer by PeteA Wednesday, October 16, 2013 2:52 PM
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October 16th, 2013 5:51pm

This maybe a silly question but how do you interpret the results from this?

The only output I get is;

http://localhost:5725/ResourceManagementService             Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.Reso...

This is just repeated over and over?


February 11th, 2015 6:40am


The objects returned from Export-FIMConfig have a ResourceManagementObject property. Assign the result of the command to a variable, then check that property. You will see that each ResourceManagementObject is actually a Request, each of which corresponds to a user's SSPR request.



  • Proposed as answer by warkem 7 hours 48 minutes ago
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February 11th, 2015 9:39am


The objects returned from Export-FIMConfig have a ResourceManagementObject property. Assign the result of the command to a variable, then check that property. You will see that each ResourceManagementObject is actually a Request, each of which corresponds to a user's SSPR request.



  • Proposed as answer by warkem Thursday, February 12, 2015 3:58 AM
February 11th, 2015 5:34pm

Thanks, do you know how long the SSPR requests stay in the portal logs? They seems to by cycling? Is it just the IIS log retention period?

Is there a better way to get these stats i.e. by day/week/month/year for reporting purposes?

Thanks again!

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February 11th, 2015 10:57pm

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