FIM Sync DB Maintenance


In a little over 3 months our FIM Sync database has grown to over 30GB.

At the SQL database level, there do not appear to be any default jobs to archive/purge data. Is there anything in FIM Sync itself - other than clearing the Run Profile history?

Do FIM SQL backups do anything?

I assume the FIM Sync database is just expected to grow over time?



September 2nd, 2015 11:08pm

Unfortunately there is a piece of information missing.
What was the size 3 months ago, so to see if the growth is abnormal.  And what is the population of objects being managed; users and groups.

One thing to do is to purge Transaction_log table

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September 3rd, 2015 9:36am

Sure, we started off with about 2GB.

MV has 100 users, 25 Groups, 1-5 delta transactions per day.

September 3rd, 2015 10:01pm

this is not right. The next thing to check is what table is growing. I really think is transaction logs. Thete is not mich you can do on FIM side - to answer your original question.
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September 4th, 2015 7:28am

thank you, you mention purging the Transaction_log table...not being a SQL person, is this something easily done via a script? stored procedure? is there anything in the out of the box FIM Sync database stored procedures section?

where can I read up more about it and learn? thank you

September 4th, 2015 7:05pm

Hello Shim.

The first question is: how are you backing up your environment?

Transaction log can be easily cleaned if you have full backups made straight from SQL (for example by job or manually with Management Studio). If you are backing up using other tool or by creating a snapshot of SQL VM, the best option would be to change Recovery Model option of FIMSyncService to Basic instead of Full.

Then you can shrink log file. For example using the following: Shrink a File

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September 8th, 2015 3:24am


How often are you executing Run Profiles?  Have you cleared any of the Run Profile History during this time?  That is also a common reason for database growth.

Take a look at the following articles for some additional information regarding cleaning up Run Profile History:

Hope that helps!


September 8th, 2015 2:57pm

Ryan, he did already mention the run history

"anything in FIM Sync itself - other than clearing the Run Profile history?"

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September 8th, 2015 3:43pm

let me do some investigations on our side and get back to you - thank you all for your help (as usual, great guys & girls on these forums!)
September 8th, 2015 10:52pm

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