FIM export stopped-server error for SSPR

Hi folks,

I am facing some problems for FIM Export. When I ran a delta sync, in the Sycn Service Manager, I got Status "Stopped-Server". It worked before for a few months and all of sudden, it stopped working. It used to take about 2 min to finish successfully, now it takes about 20 min to show this error. The export statistics shows all 0 for all the fields.

In the system Application log, I got this "The management agent "FIM Service MA" failed on run profile "FIM Export" because the server encountered errors."

In the FIM event log, I got this:

Log Name:      Forefront Identity Manager Management Agent
Source:        ForefrontIdentityManager.ManagementAgent
Event ID:      3
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Computer:      FIMSyncSrv.domain.local

System.InvalidOperationException: The export session has timed out waiting for responses.  

That amount of time can be configured using the exportActivityTimeoutInSeconds attribute of the resourceSynchronizationClient element within the Forefront Identity Management Synchronization Service application configuration file.  The default duration is 600 seconds.  If the volume of requests is very high, then using that attribute to increase the duration would be advisable. 

However, one should investigate why no responses to export requests have been received within the default amount of time.  Requests created on behalf of the Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service should be investigated to determine whether they are taking an unexpectedly long time to process. 

I have checked that both FIM Service server and Sync server are running on the same version of FIM binary. No hotfix or update was installed on either FIM boxes when the problem started to happen. I never manually touched sync service application config file before so I don't really I corrupted it. Both servers have been rebooted multiple times and I also manually bounced both FIM Service and Sync service multiple times with the same error.

I dont know where to look at this point. Is there a log to trace it or how to continue troubleshooting?


June 6th, 2013 11:56pm

Was there ever a solution for this?

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July 1st, 2013 8:29pm

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