FTP File uplord


I should upload a ".txt" file every day to FTP server following are the two scripts 

Script 1


cd Eyepax
mput C:\Microimage\FTP\*.txt


Script 2


ftp -s:Check.bat <FTP IP>

move C:\Microimage\FTP\*.txt "C:\Microimage\FTP\Atten.backup\"

echo MyBox = MsgBox("File Transfer Successesfully")

When i run "run.bat" it uploads the file to FTP Server but when i configure it to do as a schedule task it wont upload the file 

Is there a method to combine these two scripts into one 


April 28th, 2015 6:12am

Hi Kasun Rajapakse,

"When i run "run.bat" it uploads the file to FTP Server but when i configure it to do as a schedule task it wont upload the file "

How did you configure the task schedule ?
If it can run well ,we may miss some configurations .
We can refer to the following link to configure the task .
Please pay attention to the privilages configuration .
After configuring the task ,we can right click it to run manually to have a check .
If the issue persists ,please check the run history for more information to troubleshoot the issue .(The last tab of this task`s properties)

Best regards

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April 29th, 2015 2:54am


Thanks for the reply finally solved the problem  

April 29th, 2015 4:19am

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