I keep getting a popup alert that I'm convinced is a fake. It displays as a Microsoft Security Essentials Alert. The box/popup states Potential Threat and its displaying: Microsoft antivirus has found critical process activity and lists 3 threats and provides a tab to click on so that I may remove the threat (which I ignore). When I try closing the msg box, another pops up and says I need to click tab to clean computer immediately to prevent systems breakage. The only way of closing it is with Task Manager but it keeps returning and does not allow me to move forward. I have done a complete viral scan with the windows defender that finds no viruses but this obviously is something that got through and I can't seem to pin it to remove it. How can it be removed/stopped? I would appreciate that you keep in mind that I'm a complete novice and know next to nothing about technical computer issues. Heck I don't even know where in the forum my question lies!
- Moved by Cleber Marques MSFTMicrosoft employee Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:58 PM