Feature suggestions for windows explorer
Maybe browsing directories could be more smart. What about a show -> trim enable/disable checkbox so that when displaying directory icons (because you prefer to see pictures instead of names) ex. https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=7915bbaf8fa8141b&resid=7915BBAF8FA8141B!221&parid=7915BBAF8FA8141B!196 and there are alot of white space, the "Trim" would automatically resize height. Does it have to be drive letters? Fx. take a look at root directories https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=7915bbaf8fa8141b&resid=7915BBAF8FA8141B!222&parid=7915BBAF8FA8141B!196 These directories show the system folder, the program folder with system files (other programs like games etc are kept on other drives, so that a system image can be restored without interfering with those) some driver directories and then the user directory. If there was any file in the root directory: virus comes to mind. There are no need for files there. So why not let windows be a drive instead of a directory? There will be no more harddisk partitions. Instead files would be defined so that the system "knows" where to put them. Fx. everything that comes with windows update is 'system'. Some programs add to system functionality like extra codecs, graphics control panel etc. but are installed from valid sources, they are also 'system'. And on top of that are other applications with other definitions. So that the user can select to backup a group. It is already possible to define a folder on another drive to be fx. 'pictures'. And it will then show up when browsing the user libraries. If it was only thus and no more drives anymore ... .... in other words there's an expression WYSIWYG. Fx. user press a button and the text becomes fat without seeing any html like <bold>...</bold>. Perhaps you could make it so that when browsing stuff on PC the user don't see fx. lots of .dll .cat or .inf but only the interesting stuff, so that browsing becomes "more smart".
February 18th, 2012 9:02pm

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