Federated Search Performance Issue?
Hi,I have recently created a search connector for a search repository in our company (as well as a web service to format Autonomy IDOL search results into RSS) , and need to assess how much extra load will federated search put on the system. Federated search is based on "search-as-you-type", so effectively for every character typed in, Windows 7 sends out a search request to the middle-man web service, andthe web service then triggers a search in the repository. My question is: if the second character is typed in fast enough after the first character, 1) does windows 7 stop sending the first request and start sending the second reques to the web service; 2) if first request is already sent to the webservice, what happens when the second request arrives while the first request is still performed? Is the system smart enough to stop the first search and process the second one?Let me know if this doesn't make, I will try to elaborate.
July 14th, 2009 1:32pm

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