File Explorer managing long paths incorrectly and inconsistently

File Explorer is not managing long paths correctly or consistently. On both the C: and D: drives I have copied a folder structure that is more than 500 characters (i.e. well exceeds MAX-PATH limit of 260). In the primary drive, the long path always seems to be navigable. Some additional drives also work properly. Others can only be navigated to MAX_PATH even though the deeper folders exist and can be accessed from other tools. Specifically I can see the fourth folder on the D: drive but clicking that folder from windows explorer does nothing. Appending "\\?\" to the front of the D: drive does not change the outcome.

Some, but not all additional drives exhibit this behavior. I have a 250G SSD on SATA that, when mounted as a secondary drive, works properly (like the C: drive) and on this drive deep paths can be navigated. I also have a 750G SSD on PCIe that, when mounted as a secondary drive, works improperly (like the D: drive) and on this drive deep paths cannot be navigated. All of my large (>2TB) drives work improperly.

This bug also exists on Windows 2012 Server, Windows 10 Technology Preview and presumably all previous versions of Windows. I have submitted it as a problem in Windows 10 technology Preview.

Picture here:
  • Edited by Krash_ Monday, March 23, 2015 11:30 PM
March 23rd, 2015 11:20pm

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