File Name too long
It says that file name is too long but doesn't even let me see the file name. You say to make it shorter, but which file? This is a problem that you would expect in the 1990's. I wonder if Apple has this kind of limitation?
February 8th, 2012 3:45pm

Use Linux. Create a dual-boot system. If you need Windows, your dual boot system will always have it there for you. Most forms of Linux allow a file path length of 4,096. They also allow file NAME lengths of 255, which is the whole PATH length in Windows 7! Linux originated with UNIX, which was built 40 years ago! Somehow Linux can get it right but Microsoft can not. But then again, the volunteer Linux developers work like professionals, while Microsoft is a poorly managed business that fritters away billions of dollars in development costs while producing technology that is retrograde. To my point, not ONE post related to Windows file name length problems includes a reply with Microsoft's approach to FIXING the problem. That is because Microsoft does NOT focus on creating solutions - they focus on SALES and any quality that might arise is literally a side effect. Linux developers focus on quality, and that is why their FREE operating system is still better than Windows 40 years after UNIX was written. I wish that were not true, since I paid for Windows 7, but it is true. :-b
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February 16th, 2012 8:43am

What are you doing when you encounter this error? A most common workaround is to connect to the folder as a network drive with net use, but this can be tedious to do.
February 16th, 2012 8:47am

Long Path Tool helped me in this situation. ................ File name Too Long
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 15th, 2012 7:10am

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