File download links won't work in IE9 on Windows 7
I have run into a problem with several of our users being unable to download files when they click on a link. Works fine with any non-IE browser, so it doesn't appear to have anything to do with firewall, AV, or web filtering. Instead of it bringing up the file name it asks if you want to save the link which doesn't do any good. It seems to be related to a windows or more likely an IE security update sent out by Microsoft as it worked one day and then not the next. Any real suggestions or do I continue to go the easy route and just install a second browser on everyone's computer and slowly quit using MS products if they won't work correctly?
October 16th, 2012 8:22am

Hi, Do you enable the file download options? You can try the following steps: Open Internet Explorer.Click Tools and then options.Click on the security tab.Select the Internet Zone.Click on the Custom Level Button and then scroll down to Download.Make sure to enable File download.Click Apply and OkRestart Internet Explorer and check if that helps. What is the result?Alex Zhao TechNet Community Support
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October 16th, 2012 11:13pm

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