Files in subdirectories are duplicated in parent directory....BUG?
I've been having an issue for about 3 weeks now. My directory structure is the following: PBL PBL/Screens When I add a file to the Screens directory, that file is also added and shown in the PBL directory. when I delete that unwanted file in the PBL directory, the file also gets deleted from the Screens directory. Right now my PBL directory is becoming a mess, because it contains copies of all files found in all its subdirectories. I've even deleted that PBL directory and created a new one, withe a new name, but it still has the same issue. Please help!
April 27th, 2011 10:20am

Hi, Thanks for the post! Could you provide us with a screenshot? You can upload it with SkyDrive, put it in a public folder, and reply a link for us. It seems you encounter the issue lately, did you fully scan your computer? Test the issue in Safe Mode, and try a Clean Boot to check if the issue persists. Regards, MiyaThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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April 29th, 2011 3:36am

Hello, I've been having this problem with Windows 7 too. In My Pictures I have a directory (let's call it "Parent"). There are a lot of pictures in here so I decided to split it up into subdirectories off Parent called Child1, Child2 etc. I dragged 50 pictures from Parent to Child1. Windows said "Moving...". The files now appear in both Parent & Child1. If I delete a file from Child1, it disappears from Parent. Conversely if I delete a picture from Parent, it also disappears from Child1. If I try to move a file from Parent1 to Child1 it tells me 'the source and destination files are the same' HOWEVER - if I drag a file from Child1 to Parent, it moves ok, and disappears from Child1. Please note that Cut and Paste are having the same issues as Move. It is almost like the subdirectories are transparent and windows is viewing all subdirectories off Parent as not subdirectories at all and showing all files at the top level. I have tried Safe Mode & Clean Boot as described above and it exhibits the same behaviour. This is not happening with every directory, it seems to be this one and others that have a lot of files in them. In Parent I have 891 pictures. Please help, Lisa.
May 21st, 2011 9:54pm

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