Forefront UAG Activation

I've run an install of Forefront UAG and have gone to activate the configuration (with no actual configuration changes made from the default install) and am getting the following issues logged:

The Web site [WebMonitor] could not be started. Make sure ports configured for this site are not already in use.
The Web site [Defailt Web Site]  could not be started. Make sure ports configured for this site are not already in use.

Event Viewer shows the following after running the activation:

Event ID 163
Service DA SessionMgr cannot be started. Error: -2147024891.

Event 136
The Web site [WebMonitor] could not be started. Make sure ports configured for this site are not already in use.

Event 136
The Web site [Defailt Web Site]  could not be started. Make sure ports configured for this site are not already in use.

When I go into servicew the World Wide Web Publishing service has not started automatically. When I attempt to start it manually it comes up with the following:

Windows could not start the World Wide Web Publishing Service service on Local Computer
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.

Following that, the following Error is shown in Event Viewer:

Event 163
Service DA SessionMgr cannot be started. Error: -2147024891

Other events that have been logged since install:

Event 5048
The application '/InternalSite/M' belonging to site '1' has an invalid AppPoolId 'InternalSiteMobile' set. Therefore, the application will be ignored.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

July 3rd, 2013 6:31pm


Could you check if all dependencies required for the World Wide Web Publishing  service are up and running and try to start it again. Did you make OS hardening before installing Forefront UAG ?

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July 4th, 2013 5:30am

Yes all dependencies are running and the server has not  been hardened in any way, both the server 2008 install and the uag install are untouched.

I have since run all service packs and rollup patches up to SP3 which has made no difference.

Looks like it all revolves around not being able to start the Microsoft Forefront UAG Session Manager (which is what gets reported as 'Service DA SessionMgr' in the Event Viewer.

There seems to be no one experiencing these reported problems making it difficult to analyse.

Any ideas?

July 4th, 2013 5:05pm

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