Format Procedure for Exernal Hard Drive for Win 7 X64 computer?
Need suggestion on correct proceedure to format new Hitachi 1TB 7200 rpm hard drive for use as an external hard drive with a Toshiba L675 laptop which has Windows7 Home Premium X64 OS. External HD will be in Hard Drive dock and connected to laptop via eSata cable.
October 30th, 2010 3:33am

When you install a new drive it will not be visible to windows until you format it, this is normal. To be able to view the hard drive type disk management in the search box, then click on the result that reads as create and format hard disk parttitions. It will take a few seconds for the service to load and analyze the drives, once it does you will be presented with bar representing each drive. Identify the one you beleive to be the new drive, you can right click on it and select properties to check the hardware information, you can also right click on it to create and format partitions. For more info read here.
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October 30th, 2010 10:40am

When you install a new drive it will not be visible to windows until you format it, this is normal. To be able to view the hard drive type disk management in the search box, then click on the result that reads as create and format hard disk parttitions. It will take a few seconds for the service to load and analyze the drives, once it does you will be presented with bar representing each drive. Identify the one you beleive to be the new drive, you can right click on it and select properties to check the hardware information, you can also right click on it to create and format partitions. For more info read here.
October 30th, 2010 10:40am

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