Format hard drive without prompt
Is there an option to format a hard drive without asking me if I want to do it or not? Like if I use this: format e: /q It'll ask me a boatload of questions; Enter the drive label. Are you sure you want to format?... For the purpose I require, I'm always sure (I want it formatted unattended using a batch file). IF this isn't an option, what other way can I do this unattended? (diskpart doesn't seem to have this option either) Thanks!
November 25th, 2011 2:02pm

Because formatting a HDD renders existing data stored on it deleted and unreadable (except by specialist software), the format command will always ask for confirmation in case the command has been issued in error.
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November 25th, 2011 2:08pm

I know it will. I want it to, without question. Does anyone know of a utility or program that will do this?
November 25th, 2011 2:12pm

Not always. Here's your fun fact for the day: format e: /y Blindly formats the drive w/o question. Thanks for the reply though.
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November 25th, 2011 2:44pm

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