Freezing up on e-mails
Why does my computer freeze up when I am viewing e-mails?, then I have to slam the door and when I turn the system back on it gives me an error I get it back but it still freezes and the recovery time is getting longer??? what is going on!! 1 person needs an answerI do too
February 21st, 2011 12:43pm
Why does my computer freeze up when I am viewing e-mails?, then I have to slam the door and when I turn the system back on it gives me an error I get it back but it still freezes and the recovery time is getting longer??? what is going on!!
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February 21st, 2011 12:57pm
Hi Weiner627,What email client are you using? If outlook Your pst may require repair..Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Mail -> Data file -> Settings and copy the location of your pst.Click on start -> Search -> File and folders -> scanpst.exeClose Outlook and paste the location of your pst - Pointing to the pst and click scan.This will scan and repair your pst.Should be all good after that.. Try and let us know.. Hope this helps...
February 21st, 2011 6:30pm