Function of keyboars keys change after while working on windows 7RC
Hi, I'm normally dutch so my apoligize when there are faults on my english. I'm using Windows 7 RC, 32bit (build 7100) on a HP dc5800 (E8400(3,0Ghz), 4Gb RAM, HD 2400XT 256Mb, 2*250Gb) After a while using it, the function of my keybord keys change. The keys become windows shortcut keys. example:. when i push: P = connect to projector F= chearch G= gadgets ... the windows key is not pushed! Is it possible it comes because i'm running virtual box (version 2.2.0), and switch back to windows? Or because i don't find a driver for my chipset? Thank you!
June 4th, 2009 7:38pm

flush, Don't worry, your English is almost perfect - although that's been the case for most of the Dutch folks I've met! I have a feeling it is because of Virtaul Box - it sounds like when you're changing between your native environment and your virtual Windows 7, the Windows key isn't being released. I'm surprised it isn't happening with the Ctrl or Alt keys, though... does your native environment not normally support a Windows key (that is, is it not Windows)?-Alex
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June 5th, 2009 5:46am

Hi thank you for te reply, Windows 7 is not the guest OS, the guest OS is a version of windows XP, or other... i'm just trying the software i normally use on 7. can i do something to fix the problem? or let windows know? or ... i gonna try to get the new version and reinstal... Wouter
June 5th, 2009 7:07pm

Hi, i installed a new version of virtualbox. And i still have the problem. But i found a better way to fix it. before i restarted my computer. But now i push the windows key and it is fixed :) I hope when the real version comes out it is fixed. Wouter
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June 9th, 2009 9:06pm

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