Further User UI Group tab expansion?


We followed the steps outlined in the URL below, to add the 'Group' tab to the User UI that depicts the Groups a user is a member of. Works great.


Next, we'd like to find out if the following is also possible...could we now add a 'Add to Group' / 'Remove from Group' button to this new 'Group' tab window? This would allow help desk to add/ remove that user to/from a group within the same UI window.

Is this easy, or will this require some fancy code?



October 1st, 2014 6:54pm

In short, you can do something close but it will require custom workflow coding.The FIM object model has the member attribute on the group object. The RCDC allows you to edit the object of focus, in this case the user object, not the group object. But you could have a memberOf sort of attribute that you populate with a workflow and then when a request is made to add it you could have another workflow go modify the member attribute on the group.
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October 1st, 2014 10:42pm

Thanks David, cheers.
October 1st, 2014 11:36pm

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