GPO seems to cause userinit.exe problem
I am testing Vista and trying to get GPOs setup for our environement. When I apply a GPO that contains security settings, I run into a problem with local admin accounts. When I log on with a local admin account I sit at a blank screen. I can ctrl+alt+del and run task manager or log off. But I cannot get any UI or response to a right click on the desktop. This is logged in the Application event log: The Windows logon process has failed to spawn a user application. Application name: . Command line parameters: C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe. If I disable the GPO, I can then log on normally with a local administrator account and I get the desktop, and no errors in app event log. I cannot figure out what is wrong with the policy. The settings are based on the settings in the 'Windows Vista Security Guide'. Also, this problem occurs on any Vista computer I test (with the policy). I posted the policy report here:
July 16th, 2007 4:58pm

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