Generic LDAP Connector Configuration?


I'm attempting to configure an Open LDAP server using the Generic LDAP Connector in FIM.

However, I receive the following error each time: "<error>Value does not fall within the expected range. </error>."

I can use LDP.exe to connect and bind to the Open LDAP server without issue--using the credentials and port (636) I want to use for FIM.

I have installed the certificates for the LDAP server. (In both my personal, and even Trusted Root for the sake of trouble shooting.)

I've tried setting the binding to SSL, TSL, Basic, or Anonymous...still no luck.

What format should I be puting the username in?  I've tried both "Administrator"   and  "cn=Administrator,cd=dcname" (the format I would use for ldp.exe.)

I'm not sure how to proceed.  I can't even tell if it doesn't like the format of the host name, the username, or the Certificate. (Or certification subject.)

Has anyone succesfully done this before and can provide some guidance?

November 26th, 2014 10:36am

I'm not game to try myself but it looks as if slapd has some cmd line parameters -s and -d setting the debugging level and syslog level. Maybe if you can turn those up to the max you could get some more information.
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November 26th, 2014 9:10pm

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