Getting Control of the UAC-Dialog
Borland as a vendor of Functional Software Testing Tools would be interested in getting control of the UAC-Dialog. This means, for example a TestScript wants to change the system time within the timedate-dialog and UAC is enabled the UAC-Dialog pops up and requests to enter the administrators password. The problem is that our TestScript wouldn't be able to interact with that Dialog, because Windows doesn't allow that.So is there any possibility to get the rights to interact with the UAC-Dialog?
June 11th, 2008 11:39am

Hi, This forum is focus on the Windows Vista issues and questions and we are not the best resource to discuss this issue. It is recommended that you post this issue on MSDN forums. Thank you for your understanding. For your convenience: Software Development for Windows Vista
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June 12th, 2008 10:52am

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