HELP!!!!! My computer is stuck in a loop!

 I downloaded the 8.1 preview yesterday and my computer said it was installing windows 8.1 preview, computer may turn on and off several times. Now my computer is stuck in a loop. it turns on and then goes to the windows loading screen the a blue screen come on and says "your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart we're just collecting some error info". i just moved and I lost my windows 8 boot disc.  I have pics at

everythhing loads normal like pics on left5 the gets to right pic aND it loads to 100% then loops back around

July 1st, 2013 10:14pm

I have pics

I'm not getting sufficient resolution from them to read the cause.  Can you transcribe it?

Also, I'm not certain about what we are allowed to do in that state.  If it is a WinPE message you may be able to break into its command-line by pressing Shift-F10.  However, you may need to prepare your BCD to allow that too.  That would be accessing any messages in the RAM drive.  Otherwise, if you could access whatever physical disks are involved you may get some clues from the latest log files written to them.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 2nd, 2013 2:41am

1. Insert Windows 8 DVD into the DVD drive and after booting is complete follow the on screen instructions and proceed, click on Repair your computer.

2. Select Trouble Shoot to launch recovery and repair options.

3. If you want to go for advanced option click Advanced Option. Then try Automatic Repair.

July 3rd, 2013 11:22pm

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