Hi!I recently downloaded an iso of the Windows 7 RC; about 2 weeks ago. About 4 days later, I installed a fresh load of WinXP, and I left my iso on there by accident, so I lost it.Now I'm toldthat the RC is unavailable, so I'm in trouble.Is there any chance that I can get a 2nd iso?
August 30th, 2009 2:29am

Oops.From Microsoft, probably not. I've read that it's still available on the developer net, but most people don't have a paid subscription to that. (I certainly don't.)If an acquaintance has the iso or DVD, I believe that giving you a copy of it would be entirely legitimate. USe the key your were given with the download, or go to the download site and get a new one. (It was still available for that purpose, last I checked.)Otherwise, General Availability is on 22 October, 54 days from now. (The Windows 7 calculator accessory includes a date computing feature.)
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August 30th, 2009 3:47am

13yr old nerd - Yeah.. Ouch.. Unless you've got a friend who's got a copy, you're pretty much out of luck. The RC's availability ended August 20th through the offical channels. As a side note... It's a really BAD idea to try downloading the RC by way of other sites - i.e. torrents or other P2P services. Reports have shown that those files can be pre-loaded with malware, viruses and other "fun stuff" you probably do NOT want to be messing with.Bobkn - Yeah.. That calculator feature positively ROCKS...!
August 30th, 2009 7:33am

The Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) downloads are no longer available. I agree with Wolfie2k6s idea. You can try getting one copy from your friend. If not, I suggest you can try the RTM version if it is available to you. If it is unavailable as well, you need to wait until the final version is released. Good luck!
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August 31st, 2009 11:31am

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