HTML emails appearing as plain text with Windows 7 and Outlook 2003
I recently switched from XP Pro to Windows 7 Ultimate moving my office 2003 pro over as well.Most of the HTML emails I receive are displaying properly but there are a couple of senders that their emails are now consistently being displayed as Plain Text although they should be displayed as HTML. I used to have no issue with these senders and their emails always displayed correctly in XP.I have installed Office 2003 Pro SP3 and Office 2007 compatibility Pack SP2. Of the two senders I am having an issue with one is using Yahoo Mail and the other Lotus.I have also added both of them to the safe senders list and they do not appear to be getting flagged as junk mail.Are there any settings that could be forcing email from these senders into plain text format ? Thank you for any help.
February 4th, 2010 6:02pm

Hi, This is an Outlook issue. Since this forum is mainly focus on Windows 7 system issues, please create thread in the following forum and discuss there. Office Outlook - Microsoft AnswersArthur Xie - MSFT
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February 8th, 2010 9:34am

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