Hard drive with nothing on it is full
I own an HP Netbook with XP on it. 16 GB hard drive. I noticed that my hard drive was at about 12 GB so I wanted to remove some stuff and clean it up. Somehow, as I uninstalled programs, it got MORE full instead of less. Everything on the drive including windows adds up to about 6 GB yet it's full. I don't even have enough room left to run defrag anymore and there's nothing left to delete! What can I do?1 person needs an answerI do too
May 22nd, 2010 9:28am

I know it sounds contradictory to install a program when you’re low on disk space, but this one can be uninstalled when it has done its job.WinDirStat shows where disk space is being used, including a nice graphical display. Just let the mouse pointer hover over the coloured areas to identify different file types. It won’t remove anything but it will identify the large ‘chunks’ of used space. Download it here http://windirstat.info/
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May 22nd, 2010 11:02am

Adding up what explorer shows does not give a full picture, your swap file for one.Start>Run enter, %temp% ,run perminentally delete all files found, some will be in use and cannot be deleted.In Internet Options, clear temp files and set the max temp file size to 50mbEmpty the recycle bin
May 22nd, 2010 2:19pm

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