Have FIM Email notifications display or contain only true boolean values

Hi guys,

My scenario: The summary of a filled form in FIM returns both true and false Boolean values on the summary page of the form and on the email notification to approvers.

Required: A summary of filled in attributes only. All attributes are Booleans.

How can I achieve to only have a summary of true Boolean values to avoid the clutter in the mail notifications?

Kind regards,


February 26th, 2015 2:54am

AFAIK you cannot do this with out of the box functionality. What you can do is to write an activity that saves the values (just the values you need) to the workflow data and then use them in your email templates .
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February 26th, 2015 4:52am

Hi Gaston,

Thanks for your response.

Elaborate this please: ...write an activity that saves the values (just the values you need) to the workflow data and then use them in your email templates

Any examples or references I could use? I am not good with PowerShell activities.



February 26th, 2015 5:03am

It would need pretty advanced FIM knowledge. If you're new with FIM custom activities, this is a good starting point:Walkthrough: Create a Logging Custom Activity and Deploy it to the FIM Portal

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February 26th, 2015 10:11am

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