Having problems in Win7 latest RC: Can't format my other drive
Hi everbody,Frst want to say, windows7 is very nice, like windows server 2008, but nice looking. It lags harder then vista atm, but it doesnt lock up as much (didnt have to bring up the taskmanager that much :) ) Ok with that out of the way, I have 2 disks. First disk is sata, Second 1 IDE. On the SATA i have windows 2008 server enterprise (beta, dont know witch RC), asI try to format,delete,force unmount (SATA\the volume) in windows7(located on the IDE) it is not possible. Even converting the SATA to dymanic, doesn't let me format it. Does anyboday have any idears, maybe i can do it with msdos ??Thx in advanc,,^,' lRd^
July 2nd, 2009 2:08pm

Check to see if the file bootmgr is on the root of your SATA. If it is thats you system partition and a whole lot of trouble.
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July 2nd, 2009 8:42pm

Check to see if the file bootmgr is on the root of your SATA. If it is thats you system partition and a whole lot of trouble. Yes, that should be the reason. If you have installed Windows Server 2008 first, the system partition of the system will be the boot partition. Boot engine is placed on it. Then, if you install Windows 7 RC on another hard drive, the new Windows 7 RC system will still use the original boot partition. Therefore, we could not format the system partition of the Windows Server 2008 drive. If the two systems are on two different hard disks, you may try to remove the disk of Windows Server 2008. Then start the computer with the Windows 7 RC installation disk, and do Startup and Repair in Windows Recovery Environment. After it finishes, take the disk off and reboot the computer. If the reboot runs properly, you may connect the other hard disk and format it from Windows 7 RC system.Arthur Xie - MSFT
July 3rd, 2009 12:48pm

Thx for the possible sulutions,Would i also be possible to remove the bootmngr with knoppix, instead of RC, or put the windows 2008 disk in another comp that already has a system disk ?Thx in advance,,^,' lRd
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July 7th, 2009 1:26pm

Hi, Abstractly, the method is the same. However, I have checked many experiences these days, and found that in individual cases we could not create the boot manager successfully because the boot sector part cannot be changed. In this case, we may need to copy the folder "Boot" from the installation DVD to the system partition of the Windows 7 RC system, then run Startup and Repair again. If there is any question, please feel free to post here.Arthur Xie - MSFT
July 8th, 2009 12:19pm

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