Help!Updated to 8.1 now cant change brightness

I updated to windows 8.1 but now i cant change the brightness on my screen its now very dim like the lowest setting,i have tried the slider for the brightness but it doesnt do anything. And some times it comes on bright but most of the time its dim. I have a Samsung Notebook. Its not my computer as it was fine before i updated it,so i think its a glitch. Does anyone know how to fix it or when Windows will release a update to fix the glitch?

Help please, 


February 21st, 2014 5:59pm

I don't know if it's the same issue, but I've seen the same symptoms when upgrading a couple of Lenovo Z500 laptops to 8.1. In those cases it turned out to be the graphics driver for the Intel graphics card causing the issue, which caused the brightness controls on the laptop to stop working, and if you pressed F9 (which on those laptops turns off the backlight) you couldn't then turn it back on again.

These may not be the rights ones in your case since you're using a Samsung laptop, but it might have the same Intel graphics version inside. We found that installing this driver resolved the issue, even though I think it was an older driver version than the one already installed. If not then I'd suggest checking on Samsung's website and seeing if there are some alternate graphics drivers available which might resolve it for you.

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February 21st, 2014 6:45pm

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